Karen E McKennaMay 23, 2022Zancudo to Zurich#flipflopstoshoes May 12, 2022 It was quite the journey from a small beach community in Southern Costa Rica to a modern urban centre in...
Karen E McKennaMay 10, 2022Flip Flops to Sandals#flipflopstoshoes May 10, 2022 I arrived in San Jose yesterday. I made the transition from shorts to pants and a sweater fairly quickly....
Karen E McKennaMay 2, 2022Morfologia desde las chanclas a los tacones y los ropa de negocios #ChanclasaZapatos #FlipFlopstoShoes 2 de mayo de 2022 A medida que la narrativa covid global comienza a desenrollarse, doblarse y ser...
Karen E McKennaMay 2, 2022Morphing from flip flops to high heels and business suits#flipflopstoshoes May 2, 2022 As the global covid narrative starts to unwind, double down and be challenged by the people, the realities...